Thursday, August 20, 2009

classroom rainbows and bitches

ive been busy so i havnt writin a lovely little blog in a while but schools started so you really cant blame me. in the world of blogging, on of my ex best friends has decided to quietly, secretly and slowly disband me from allowing one of his friends to become friends with me. a friendship I believed i needed to servive an AP environmental science class. not that it should be hard but, well the reasons are truely numerous. I am, however really enjoying my economics class, my teacher, Sloan, happends to be incredibly smart, and entertaining which means not only do i not fall asleep but i actually learn something. we talk alot. which is good. my english class is great. me cameron and sabi just sit and talk the whole time. my teacher lost every bit of control within the first few minutes of class. oh and i think i might be Bi.
I'm just pretty sure i am, but maybe im just what they refer to as 'curious'. u see in this wonderful english class we were talking and I believe it was Sabi who misunderstud my words and was li ke 'wait... ur bisexual?' really loud and everyone turns around in this crazy random shock, just to chatch a glimps of a bi sexual teenager.. im sitting there wondering, how do i answer this? cause i dont know really. Im a terribly honest person. I really believe that is a flaw too. Anywho, i guess somewhere between the answer being asked and everyone looking at me like wide eyed elf monkeys I figured it was a posiblity and excepted it quickly.
My ex, from forever ago joined a facebook group, "Gays are gross" when i saw that, i cringed. i cant explain the violent urge i had to lecture each of these fellow classmates of mine, individually for a very large time. urgh i dont understand hyprocritical christians :P you see, christians as i understand are supposed to love each other, love doesnt seem to pour from the descriptive adjective, Gross...........meh.
~oh jeeze fuck my life
yours truely>